Alumni (SETU)

SETU is alumni association of UPL University of Sustainable Technology. SETU will keep the alumni joined to university like a bridge. The main objective of SETU will always be to be "United Forever". United with university as well as with each other.

SETU was inaugurated on 23rd April, 2016. SETU is happy to announce 16th July of every year as an "Alumni Day".

For more information regarding SETU feel free to contact us on our


The Alumni Association - SETU will be a dynamic, member-focused organization, driven by the value oriented objectives and directed towards supporting the social, intellectual and spiritual needs of all present and future alumni’s of SRICT.


The quality of Alumni’s relations is a criterion by which success of institute is measured. The mission of SETU alumni association is to promote the interests of SRICT as a standard of academic excellence by strengthening the ties of goodwill and communication between the institute and the alumni students by maintaining the programme of meet.