Industrialization and urbanization in Gujarat from last two to three decades has
experienced revolutionary rapid industrial growth. Due to this industrialization,
problems of environmental pollution of a variety in nature have cropped up in the
state. This environmental pollution can result in irreversible changes which might
damage the eco-system as well as climate and create diseases which will be difficult
to control, if proper effective measures are not taken in time or if continuous
vigilance is not maintained. In 1990 to 1994, due to effluent of industries like
chemicals, dye and dye-intermediates, power plant, pulp and paper mills, rolling
mills, bulk drug, pharmaceuticals, pesticides etc created problems of pollution
of Khari cut canal and river Khari. Subsequently, the farmers from the villages
of Kheda District filed a writ petition in the Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat. In
1996, the Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat in their verdict directed the Gujarat Pollution
Control Board (GPCB) for implementation of an Environmental Audit Scheme for the
industries in the State of Gujarat.
The scheme classified the industries which are required to submit periodical audit
reports and the time table thereof. It provides for submission of the audit reports
to the GPCB first and subsequent action to be taken on. The scheme also envisages
actions for failure to submit report for industries and furnishing incorrect information
on the part of auditors.
It is a management tool comprising of a systematic, documented, periodic, and objective
evaluation of how well the environment management systems are performing with the
aim of :
Shroff S R Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology is also a GPCB recognized Schedule-I
auditor since 17th January, 2014 and is involved in Environment audit, Adequacy
certification of EMS, Analysis of air, water, soil, hazardous waste etc. We have
a well equipped 67sq m Environmental Laboratory having sophisticated instruments.