
  • Library
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  • Library
  • Library

Welcome to GTL

SRICT brings to you a wonderful, the most vibrant Library of books in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Science & Technology and Chemical Technology which includes Dyes and Pigment Technology, Glass and Ceramics Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology and Polymer and Rubber Technology.

The main objective of the GTL is to promote quality reading and participate in a process of balanced growth of chemical society by providing a platform to bodies which also have similar goals to achieve.

The library has a rich collection of books around 11000, in the areas of Science, Engineering and Technology. The collection includes reference books, text books, CDs, etc. Efforts are on the way to build excellent collection of scholarly resources in digital format as well. Library has an online access to core collection of e-journals and bibliographic databases. It is currently located at 2nd Floor in the academic building and can accommodate nearly 100 readers at a time. Most of the in-house services of the Library are fully computerized, and provides access to all subscribed online resources and open access resources.


The collection of reading materials in the library is rich,diverse and growing day-by-day.Currently,the collection consists of,

Digital Resources :

To support the academic and research activities of the Institute, library subscribes to the following major resources and provides access to the same on the Intranet

NPTEL Library Facility :

NPTEL video lectures successfully mount in a local server with using external storage (04 nos.of Hard Disk) Now video lectures/tutorials will play in the browser through SRICT login and also in mobile by WiFi login in SRICT campus with the following link.

  • 1. DELNET Membership (Login)
  • 2. DELNET InfoTrac Engineering, Science & Technology Collection (IESTC) (Login)
  • 3. Elsevier Science Direct
    1. DELNET Membership
  • Institution/Library interested in using DELNET resources for borrowing books from libraries, getting photocopies of articles and for research and reference, and willing to contribute records of its library holdings for resource sharing purposes among institutional members of DELNET can join as an institutional member of DELNET.
  • 2. DELNET InfoTrac Engineering, Science & Technology Collection (IESTC)
  • DELNET InfoTrac Engineering, Science & Technology Collection (IESTC) features the best selection of more than 2000 journals covering various streams of Engineering, Technology & Allied Sciences. Best for studying new innovation and scientific approaches. Most cited & reliable journals for students, researchers and professionals. For most of the periodicals, coverage begins as early as 1980 for indexing.

    These resources are to be used by SRICT community for their academic, research work and no systematic downloading or forwarding of papers to others is allowed.

Engineering + Computer Science (275 journals) This package is specially created for the following Course Levels and AICTE Courses

    Course Levels:
  • Bachelor of Engineering
  • Bachelor of Technology
  • Master of Engineering
  • Master of Technology
    AICTE Courses
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Computer Aided Design
  • Construction Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Admission to the Library:

All members are required to deposit their personal belonging at the property counter at their risk. The library is not responsible for any loss or damage to the same.


National Digital Library

To help the student community in the difficult situation arising out of suspension of physical classes and closure of physical libraries arising out of COVID-19 Lockdown, National Digital Library of India (NDLI) has initiated specially designed collections of e-resources for specific group of students.

Please visit or to access these resources free of cost

We are constantly updating these collections and the features. Communication about these enhancements are being sent periodically through NDL India social networking pages. Stay tuned to these channels.

Facebook:   Twitter:   Instagram:   LinkedIn:

Indian Manuscripts:
Free Online Newspapers:
Borrowing Privileges
  • Faculty
    1. 7 Books - for Semester
  • Staff
    1. 5 Books for 30 days
  • Students
    1. 4 Books for 15 days
Late Fees (Faculty, Staff & Students )
  • Rs.1.00 per day (1-7 days)
  • Rs.2.00 per day (8th day and onward)
  • Library materials can be renewed, if there are no reservations on them by other users
  • Same materials can be renewed more than once.
  • Borrower has to bring the material physically to the Library for renewal
  • Members can put a claim only on those materials, which are already issued
  • One reader can put a claim on maximum one book at any given time.
  • A book can have maximum two claims.
  • Reserved books will be put on hold at the Circulation desk for maximum three working days (inclusive of the day on which it is received/returned) from the date of return by previous borrower. If the member who has reserved the book fails to pick up the same within this period the reservation stands cancelled.
  • The availability of reserved items will be informed orally by the library staff or students have to regularly check the availability of book.

Library Member Cards are NOT TRANSFERABLE and cannot be used by other members for borrowing library books.

The library will follow a circulation system in which the borrower will write his/her name and signature on the book card kept inside the book and leave it with circulation staff. Books should be brought physically for return and renewals. All the transactions are entered in the Libsys software.

Loss of / Damage to Library materials
  • Loss of book(s) must be reported immediately to library staff.
  • Overdue/ fine, if any, will be charged till the loss of book(s) is reported.
  • If the original book is returned after reporting it lost, the fine will be calculated till the date of its return.
  • Borrower will have to replace the book, if lost/damaged with latest edition within 30 days from reporting, along with overdue charges

If the lost book is out of print and the borrower is unable to replace it, he/she will have to pay the cost of the book, plus 30% processing fee.

Clearance Certificate :

All those who leave the institute must surrender all the materials that they borrowed to the library, and obtain a “No Dues" certificate from the librarian, in order to ensure that they owe no dues to the library.

Donation to the Library :

The library accepts donation of manuscripts, books, periodicals, special publications, audiovisual materials, electronic materials etc, from individuals and institutions. Requests for such donations may be made to the principal. The decision of whether the offer is being accepted or rejected is communicated directly by the principal to potential donors in due course of time.

General Rules
  • The Library being a place for individual study and research, members arerequested to maintain an atmosphere of dignity, peace and silence within the Library premises.
  • Entry to the Library is restricted to the bona fide members on production of valid Library/ Identity Card.
  • No Library material including books, CDs, newspapers, magazines etc. should be taken out of the Library until it is issued out.
  • Members are requested to handle the Library reading materials with utmost care. Writing, scribbling, marking, cutting pages will be severely dealt with.
  • The use of personal stereos, music sets, mobile phones, and walkmans in the Library is not permitted.
  • Suggestions for procurement of new books & other reading materials, if any, from faculty may be sent to the librarian in prescribed format (Recommendation Form).
  • Members may kindly inform the Library immediately of any change in their contact address including email etc.
  • Members are requested to leave the reading materials on the reading tables. The Library staffs will shelf thesematerials.
  • Members are required to show the Library staff at the Circulation Desk/Property Counter the items being taken out, when requested.
Library Timing :

Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am to 4.45 pm (Books Issue / Return)

Monday to Saturday : 4:45 pm to 6:30 pm (Reference Only)

Note: Closed on 2 nd & 4th Saturday and Notified Public Holidays

Library Communication Policy

Communications from the Library include announcements, notices, information aboutoverdue books, reservations, recall of issued items and document supply request. Members are therefore requested to check Library Notice Board regularly.

Use of Computers in Library

Few computers are placed in the library for accessing the resources for academic and research work. Using computers for non-academic purposes is not allowed. Users should not use the Library computer and Internet facility in a manner, which will bring disrepute to the name of the Institute. Users must not tamper with the Resource Centre computers, other equipments, its systems, programs or other stored information.