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Thalassemia checking camp

The UPL University of sustainable technology has decided to make an awareness drive of Thalassemia as a mega event. Hence SRICT - ISR of UPL University organized Thalassemia checking camp on 9th March

The UPL University of sustainable technology has decided to make an awareness drive of Thalassemia as a mega event. Hence SRICT - ISR of UPL University organized Thalassemia checking camp on 9th March 2022 with help of Indian Red cross Society, Ahmedabad.
All students of 1st year who registered went through Thalassemia Test & proved their commitment for future healthy society. Total 362 students and  05  Faculty and staff members participate in  Thalassemia Tests at the University.
The camp is coordinated by Dr. Deepika Shah, Head of SRICT-ISR with the help of faculty and staff members of SRICT-ISR and departmental coordinator of SRICT.

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